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The Society of Black Pathology (SBP)

is a nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing barriers to diversity and inclusion, working to increase the number of Black and underrepresented minorities in pathology, providing mentorship to support career and leadership development, and expanding research in the area of healthcare disparities.
Society of Black Pathology

SBP has an Organizational Name Change

View details here.

Building the Workforce and Providing Mentorship

Pipeline efforts to expand the pathology and laboratory medicine workforce are key to addressing health equities. SBP is committed to connecting with students from underrepresented minorities, supporting their training through scholarship aid, and providing mentorship and leadership opportunities that will allow them to make a significant impact on patient care.

Expanding Health Disparities Research

Providing quality care for all patients requires understanding and addressing diseases that disproportionately impact minorities. SBP’s mission involves conducting research that will expand our understanding of theses healthcare issues and guide the next steps to address them.
Founded in 2020, the Society of Black Pathology has firmly established its presence as a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing diversity and inclusion of Black and underrepresented minorities within pathology. Collectively, we have evolved to improve the visibility and accessibility of career paths in pathology and laboratory medicine. As we continue to provide resources to emerging professionals in support of career development, we strive to expand in the research of barriers to the advancement of health equity among marginalized patient populations while also addressing healthcare disparities. On behalf of SBP, we invite each of you to join us in our mission to work together in fostering an inclusive community. Together, we will thrive.
Dr. Dana Powell Baker, Ed.D., MBA, MS, MLS(ASCP)CMSBP President (2024)

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